Visual identity and Website | 2021

Recomendacast is a pop culture podcast that needed a visual identity reflecting the variety of topics covered and its short duration (30 minutes).
The inspiration for the illustration came from the Indian goddess Kali, with her many arms. The third eye was used to represent the host’s wisdom and mastery over the subjects discussed.
A simplified version of the logo, in a seal format, was created for use on social media.

The next step was to create designs for episode covers, social media materials, and the website.
The episode covers needed to be standardized for visual consistency and easy customization.
They needed to be eye-catching, featuring images related to the recommendations to capture listeners’ interest, with flexible layouts to accommodate different numbers of recommendations.

The solution was to create three variations for episodes with 2, 3, or 4 recommendations (the maximum for the allotted episode time).
Each variation includes space for the brand, episode title, and number. A square format is used for podcast platforms and Instagram, while a rectangular format is for Twitter.

Each episode uses a unique color palette drawn from the cover images, extending to the episode’s webpage.
Additional social media content uses the same graphic elements as the covers but with unique layouts to keep the feed uncluttered.

The website showcases recent episodes on the homepage, emphasizing the latest release. The “Episodes” page filters by theme or media, and each episode page includes an episode player, links to podcast platforms, a download button, additional content links, and suggestions for similar episodes.